Using Honey Body Care liquid hand soaps.

Cleaning the body is an effective defense against diseases: it is essential to eliminate that set of substances composed of glandular secretions (sebum and sweat), desquamated cells, dust, smog and other substances that represent the so-called “dirt”, soil fertile for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and parasites. An excess of washing, and especially the use of non-physiological products, can alter the natural balance of the skin, leading to dehydration, irritation, dandruff, hyper-seborrhea, formation of unpleasant odors.
A physiological cleansing favors the natural balance of the skin and hair, making products such as deodorants, creams, conditioners and various treatments less necessary.

Couldn’t we wash ourselves with water alone? Unfortunately not; dirt is essentially greasy, and water alone is not enough to dissolve it and therefore to remove it. In common industrial detergents, the washing function is performed by surfactants, substances whose bipolar molecular structure acts as a “bridge” between water and dirt; the surfactants allow the formation of an emulsion between water and greasy dirt, which can then be removed by rinsing. The surfactants are also responsible for the formation of foam, which is nothing more than an emulsion of water and air. Cleansing products can contain a large variety of surfactants, which differ in their cleansing power and degree of skin tolerability.

Soap is produced by reacting together water, vegetable fats and a strongly basic substance. The result is a more or less solid material, waxy or pearly, with a color that can vary from pale yellow to ivory white to a greyish green or even a light brown color, also depending on the type of fat used. The most famous soap is the Marseille soap: it is a sodium soap, with a solid consistency and an ivory white color, or greyish green if made with olive oil.
First, pure soap is too decreasing and removes with too much energy not only dirt but also the Hydrolipidic Acid Mantle; second, it is basic, and it does not respect the natural acidity of the skin.

However, not all skins have the same ability regenerate the Hydrolipidic Acid Mantle; after all, many people know from direct experience what it feels like when you wash your face, for example, with soap: the skin “tightens” and remains dry, sometimes it even cracks, and it becomes essential to put on a cream. The residue of calcareous soaps is annoying if you have long hair, which is heavy and not really clean; you can solve the problem by doing the penultimate rinse with an acid solution, for example water and vinegar or water and lemon, which removes deposits from the hair and restores the natural acidity of the skin. Our Honey Body Care hand soap has a significant advantage: it does not contain added substances such as dyes, preservatives, opacifiers, thickeners, synthetic fragrances and other substances that, normally contained in other cleansing products, can cause problems especially for sensitive skin. Honey Body Care soap is also a great friend of the environment, because it has a very low environmental impact both in production and in disposal.

Drying yourself well with a towel is important; if the skin remains moist and finishes drying in the air, it can tend to dryness and redness.
It is essential that the towels are perfectly clean and free of fabric softeners, otherwise they could release unwanted substances such as cationic surfactants, synthetic fragrances and so on. To make the laundry softer, without using softeners, you can act in two ways: use a good ecological soap-based detergent, which leaves the fibers naturally soft; and add a glass of white vinegar in the penultimate rinse.

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