All about bees & honey in art, culture, food and more …

In many cultures around the world, honey and bees are associated with folklore and superstition. These beliefs have been passed down through generations, and have become an important part of the cultural heritage of many communities. In this article, we will explore the symbolism of...

If you're thinking about getting animals or just want to experience a day on the farm, then these courses are the place to start. There's plenty of hands-on experience with pigs, goats and sheep and you'll cover all the essentials from how much land you...

Matt & Nicola are the founder of The Beeble Founders, which began with one hive in North Wiltshire 10 years ago. The first colony made just enough honey to give some jars to friends, with a bit left over for breakfast. Realising it was difficult...

Gill Meller is a chef, food writer, author, food stylist, and cookery teacher. He lives and works near the small fishing town of Lyme Regis, in Dorset. Gill has been part of the River Cottage team for 11 years, working closely with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall across the...

Sebastian Vettel, F1 driver and well-known green campaigner, has created a new habitat for bees with the help of local schoolchildren. The four-time world champion and father of three has spoken several times about his passion for green projects, sustainability and the environment, and earlier this...

We asked Gabriel Calvillo, a Mexico-based designer, to write an article regarding his project "Refugio", a series of three structures for solitary bees living in built-up areas to help welcome nature into urban environments. In times when more than half of the population lives in cities,...

Bee Hone is a digital platform that makes it easy for everyone to create a sanctuary for the most vital living species on our planet: solitary bees. Bakken & Baeck, with SPACE10 and designer Tanita Klein, seized the opportunity to further explore our vital, yet fragile, ecosystem that is...

The photographic series of Sarah Pannell introduces us to the beekeeping traditions of Hemshin people, an ethnic minority originating from Armenia who sustain a distinctive tradition: black hive beekeeping. © Sarah Pannell Since their arrival in Rize hundreds of years ago, the Hemshin people have settled...

Ogiek tribe is an indigenous population of about 35,000 in Kenya, most of whom live in the Mau Forest, roughly 120 miles from Nairobi. The word “Ogiek” means “carer of all plants and wild animals”. As one of the last hunter-gatherer groups in East Africa,...

Honey hunting or honey harvesting as it is also called is the gathering of honey from wild bee colonies. It is an ancient human activity and is still practiced by aboriginal societies in different parts of the world like Asia, Africa, South America and Australia....

In Spring 2012 the Storm King Art Center, an outdoor environmental sculpture park north of New York City, exhibited artist Peter Coffin’s “Untitled (Bees Making Honey)”, a seasonal site-specific sculpture consisting of a colony of bees tended by a professional beekeeper, where the bees are...

Borioli is a Swiss artist and amateur beekeeper who initially helped his grandfather near his home in Neuchâtel. “I was an artist and needed a subject,” he says. “So I thought, why not?” And bees became his business. The trigger for Borioli was the book...

Searching for inspiration for my blog, I have found two very interesting books from Hattie Ellis. The first book is Spoonfuls of Honey: A Complete guide to honey's flavours and culinary uses with over 80 recipes This book gathers together Ellis best recipes and tips about how...

We can consider our skin a “shell”, which protects our entire body. The skin can regulate the temperature of the body, avoiding being too cold in winter or too hot in summer. It can intercept bacteria or foreign substances, preventing them from reaching the internal...

The desire to sanitize one’s body is part of all civilizations starting with prehistoric man. The bathroom was born from this desire, which has led man to seek ever more innovative and pleasant shapes for the individual. The term hygiene comes from the Greek and it...

DIY skincare recipes for Honey Body Care doesn't just mean saving money and having fun creatively, it also means having cosmetic products rich in active substances. Using fresh food ingredients guarantees a high content of active ingredients, such as vitamin E from oil seeds or...

ffThe recipes from the book "Cosmesi Naturale Pratica by Francesca Marotta" offer you have the aim of cleaning without irritation. For some recipes, it is necessary to sift one or more ingredients. Sieving is indispensable to obtain impalpable powders that do not "scratch" and that...

During our research regarding skin care product based on honey we found this beautiful blog regarding a special focus on DIY skin care by Jenni Raincloud. See here blog here She began the blog to provide to herself and to her family more natural products....

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